+38 068 410 86 40


Vladislav Sergeevich Akymov


Receive offer Ruby on Rails developer or engineer with remote working

Recent projects

Rajilla API (no REST) [cooking] 14 days

Short description by which is clear at once

Creates projects and tasks for them. When creating a task, the urls field is passed to it, in which links are indicated to files. These are links to files. After creating a task these files are combined into an archive and this archive is uploaded to AWS S3. While the archive is being formed, the progress of formed archive is sent to the web socket in %

Main features
  • Files are archived via streaming download by byte. Content control won’t let Big Data through which could overflow server memory
  • At 99% it need to wait a little. It developed by analogy with Windows Applications

High load application with self destruction messages [cooking] 6 days

  • with timestamp
  • after number of link visits

The application data scale is more 1 000 000 records with amazing functionality response

I used Postgres and Redis as databases + DeadShot service which destroy expire messages

I decided problem with large load through great system design and excellent algorithms

Experience and professional skills

I have been programming with Ruby since 2015

I have 4 years commercial development experience. More in my Linkedin

Amazing LeetCode algorithms solver
Incredible CodeWar coder

I also use these technologies

About yourself

I like to create new things, deploy them, always looking for new information and improving my skills

My quote.

Education of programmer

I completed the Ruby on Rails course in less than 3 months / I completed the course with a grade of 95%

I study books as well as Ruby programming — Hal Fulton. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications — Grady Booch. CODE COMPLETE — Steve McConnell. The Rails 4 Way — Kevin Faustino

I was receiving experience by my teamleader and my team + Over the past two years I have worked in a team and learned valuable skills from my teamleader including, time management, communication, strategizing, agile scheduling etc